Christ Church Lille Newsletter 17 November 2023
Sunday 17 November: 10:30 A service of Holy Communion
This week it's Safeguarding Sunday. We are committed to being a safe church for all: read more at this link or just click the image.
Debbie will be commissioning our Safeguarding Officers, but if you have a background in social work, please get in touch, we are looking for a volunteer to help the team.
See below for all the diary dates, but a reminder that the Working with Christ group meets tomorrow 18 November.
In this newsletter, find out about:
- Children's activity sheet
- Advent and Christmas at Christ Church Lille
- Dates for the diary
- Discipleship and study groups
- Prayers for Ukraine
- How you can help
Advent and Christmas at Christ Church Lille
Read on to find out about:
- Services in church
- Advent Star
- Christmas orders
- How to win a prize
- Are you a pastry-maker?
Follow our Advent Star
Once again, we are inviting everyone to decorate a star this Advent, adding your own picture or prayer.
Find out more on this page
Christmas orders
Our usual range of home-made cakes, puddings, pies, shortbread and chutney will be available for pre-order. You can find out how to order and collect on this page on our website, or there is a form in church.
How to win a prize!
Because of recent restrictions on the number of people in the church hall, we can't hold our usual Christmas market. So we're looking at other ways to help our fund-raising. Buy a ticket for our tombola and win a prize!
But our usual home-made items will still be available to buy, see above.
Are you a pastry-maker???
Dates for the Diary
26 November: the Feast of Christ the King and our next Church lunch Contact Suzanne.
3 December: the first Sunday of Advent
For details of services during Advent and over Christmas, see the poster above.
Study and discipleship groups
Next meetings on 18 November and 2 December
Bible Study groups New online and in-person groups are taking place on Wednesday evenings. For information, please contact the chaplain or church office
The in-person group meets weekly.
Prayers for Ukraine
Please remember to pray for all affected by this conflict.
We are entirely self-funded and we have cut back our expenses as much as possible; but we still need a regular income.
We're grateful to everyone who continues to support the church and its work, which goes beyond weekly services.
We can't do it without you!
And please support our fund-raising efforts, if you can. Thank you.
Find us in lots of places: