Christ Church Lille Newsletter 5 January 2024
Did you receive our New Year's Greeting? The link is repeated above in case you missed it. But this week, we will be celebrating Epiphany.
The Three Kings arrive after their long journey and the baby Jesus is made manifest.
There are lots of traditions associated with this festival: in France, we eat a special kind of pastry, and the person who finds the bean (often a decorated porcelain figure but originally a dried bean) in their portion becomes king or queen for the day.
In the UK, it's time to take down the Christmas decorations but it's also the time to "chalk the door" and bless the home for the coming year.
And here's a link to a well-known hymn about the wise men for you to enjoy.
In this newsletter, find out about:
- Children's activity sheet
- What's happening in 2024
- Discipleship and study groups
- Prayers for Ukraine
- How you can help
What's happening in 2024?
Groups and Bible Study continue, so do our Sunday services. The church council is busy planning for social events, church lunches, and other events. Did you have a great idea for a church event? Get in touch if you'd like to organise something.
We'll let you know when dates are organised.
Study and discipleship groups
Bible Study groups New online and in-person groups are taking place on Wednesday evenings. For information, please contact the chaplain or church office
Prayers for Ukraine
Please remember to pray for all affected by this conflict.
If you have read this far, thank you!
But we need to remind everyone that we are entirely self-funded and that we need your support to keep going and to continue our ministry in Lille.
Thank you to everyone who contributes already. Could you help us with the cost of running the church?
We can't do it without you!
And please support our fund-raising efforts, if you can. Thank you.
Find us in lots of places: