Christ Church Lille Newsletter 26 January 2024
Sunday 28 January at 10:30: a service of Holy Communion
This Sunday, we celebrate the presentation of Christ at the Temple
In this newsletter, find out about:
- Children's activity sheet
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
- General Synod
- Dates for your diary
- Discipleship and study groups
- Prayers for Ukraine
- How you can help
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The closing service takes place on Saturday, at the Protestant church in the rue Jeanne d'Arc at 17:00. You will be very welcome to join with others from all the Christian churches in Lille.
And thanks to our music group who took part in the opening service last week.
General Synod
If you're not used to thIs term, you may be asking what it is. It's rather like a parliament for the Church of England, with representation from all the Dioceses, from clergy and lay people, and where they discuss matters of principle and governance.
You can find out more about the way the Church of England is governed here:
The General Synod meets twice and sometimes three times a year. The last meeting was in November 2023 and you can read a report by our representatives from the Diocese in Europe at this link: General Synod November 2023
Dates for the diary
- Bible studies continue, as do our Sunday services
- The next Sunday Club is on 11 February
- 14 February is Ash Wednesday and there will be a service in church at 8 pm as we begin our journey through Lent
- 18 February will see our next church lunch of soup and sandwiches after the morning service.
- 3 March we will be celebrating with our Chaplain Canon Debbie Flach, as we mark the 30th anniversary of her ordination
- 11 March La Solidarité (our outreach association) AGM
- 16 April Christ Church Lille Annual General Meeting
Details of services for Holy week and Easter (which will be on 31 March) coming soon.
Study and discipleship groups
Bible Study groups New online and in-person groups are taking place on Wednesday evenings. For information, please contact the chaplain or church office
The online Bible study group will meet next on 28 February and 20 March. Contact the chaplain for details.
Prayers for Ukraine
Please remember to pray for all affected by this conflict.
If you have read this far, thank you!
But we need to remind everyone that we are entirely self-funded and that we need your support to keep going and to continue our ministry in Lille.
Thank you to everyone who contributes already. Could you help us with the cost of running the church?
We can't do it without you!
And please support our fund-raising efforts, if you can. Thank you.
Find us in lots of places: