Sunday 20 October: the 21st Sunday after Trinity
This Sunday, please welcome Harrison as he is baptised and joins our church family.
In this newsletter, find out about:
- Dates for the Diary
- Children's activity sheet
- Study and discipleship groups
- Prayers for Ukraine
- Thank you
Dates for the diary
Put these dates in your diary now, and don't miss anything!
PS Do you know someone who doesn't get the newsletter? Don't leave them in the dark about all the things going on here, share this link so they can sign up:
Also for your diary
There will be a concert at the Protestant church on Saturday evening 19 October. Click or tap the poster for more details.
Children's activity sheet
This week's worksheet is called
Study and discipleship groups
Prayers for Ukraine
Please continue to pray for everyone in Ukraine, remembering in particular our sister church, Christ Church Kyiv. You can find prayers and more information here.
We can't do it without you!
Find us in lots of places: