All Souls Day

Sunday 3 November: All Saints Sunday

9:15 Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
10:30: Morning Prayer
The readings are from Psalm 24:1-6, Isaiah 25:6-9 and John 11:32-44
There will be coffee in between the two services, so come early or stay late
See this page for more information about our regular service schedule
This Sunday is All Saints Sunday, but as the first Sunday after All Souls (1 November), the service will include remembrance of all the faithful departed.
Also, as every first Sunday of the month, at the end of the service, there will be prayers for healing and renewal.

Remember too the Chaplain's "Open House" on Saturday evening; see more below.
If you'd like to read more about the feasts of All Saints and All Souls, and how they fit into the church's annual cycle, here's a link to the Church of England website

Our monthly look at a favourite hymn

We are glad so many of you enjoy this monthly link. If you are at the 10:30 service this Sunday, you will be happy to join in the singing of two favourites for All Saints Sunday.
Which one is our video link? Check here and find out
No apologies for returning to that wonderful Indian choir we have enjoyed before. This was recorded live in Chennai, south India, in 2012
In this newsletter, find out about:
  • Music in the morning service
  • Christmas tombola
  • Dates for the Diary
  • Children's activity sheet
  • Study and discipleship groups
  • Prayers for Ukraine
  • Thank you
Don't forget that details of what's happening can be found on our website.

Music in the morning service

If you’re passionate about worship and have a heart for music or service, consider joining our church worship team! Whether you sing, play an instrument, or work behind the scenes with tech, there’s a place for you. It’s a chance to connect, grow in faith, and help lead our congregation in meaningful worship. Beginners are welcome, and if you’d like to start by attending a rehearsal to get to know the team and sharpen your skills, we’d love to have you. For more information, contact Martha at All are welcome—come be part of our team!

Christmas tombola

Would you like to organise the tombola this year? This involves sourcing prizes, organising and selling tickets, and then managing the draw on 15 December. Get in touch urgently with Rosemary for more information (just reply to this newsletter).
For more information on events and activities, please contact

Dates for the diary

Put these dates in your diary now, and don't miss anything!
  • 2 November: The chaplain invites you to an informal "Open House" - drop in for a chat, for drinks and light snacks at the chaplaincy house at any time between 4pm and 8 pm. Come and go as you please. (If you don't know where this is, please contact
  • 10 November: Remembrance Sunday
  • 17 November: Safeguarding Sunday
PS Do you know someone who doesn't get the newsletter? Don't leave them in the dark about all the things going on here, share this link so they can sign up:

Children's activity sheet

This week's worksheet is called
Jesus weeps with his children
John 11:1-45

Study and discipleship groups

Ladies' Bible Study has started again, but in person not online. Contact
Working with Christ
For details of the next meeting, contact

Prayers for Ukraine

Please continue to pray for everyone in Ukraine, remembering in particular our sister church, Christ Church Kyiv.
You can find prayers and more information here.

Your opportunity to make a difference

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