Sunday 24 November: The Feast of Christ the King
10:30: A service of Holy Communion
This Sunday is a very special service; our chaplain Canon Debbie Flach will lead her last service here at Christ Church before she retires. Archdeacon Peter Hooper will give the sermon and we are delighted to be able to welcome friends and colleagues, lay and clergy, to join us.
You are invited to join us for a celebration reception after the service.
Goodbye, and thank you!
After 17 years here at Christ Church, Canon Debbie will be retiring and taking a well-earned rest from all the hard work she has done, not just in Lille, but as Area Dean and a member of the Archdeaconry Standing Committee. She will continue to serve, in her role as Dean of Women's Ministry in the Diocese in Europe.
We are grateful for her ministry here; if our church is thriving, it is thanks to her. Thank you to everyone who contributed to her retirement gift, which will be presented on Sunday. Thank you Debbie, and all our very best wishes for a happy and fulfilling retirement.
What happens now?
You may be wondering what will happen at Christ Church Lille once Debbie Flach has retired. It will be a while before a new permanent chaplain is appointed, but services will continue every Sunday and locum ministers are going to come to take some services; of course we have our appointed worship leaders to take Morning Prayer too.
The Churchwardens and the Church Council are already working with the Archdeacon.
You can read full details of what happens next on this page on our website
The Sunday next before Advent
This Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King, but it is also known as "Stir-up Sunday", referring to the prayer for the day from the Book of Common Prayer
In years gone by, hearing the prayer was a reminder to everyone to start making their Christmas puddings, so that they had time to mature before Christmas.
Few people these days make a Christmas pudding, but the prayer still speaks to us at this time.
STIR up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may of thee be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Dates for the diary
Yes, in under five weeks it will be Christmas Day. Join with us throughout Advent and the Christmas season.
PS Do you know someone who doesn't get the newsletter? Don't leave them in the dark about all the things going on here, share this link so they can sign up:
Children's activity sheet
This Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King
A reminder about our music group
Passionate about worship? Whether you sing, play an instrument, or work with tech, there’s a place for you! All are welcome, including beginners—come to rehearsal to hone your skills and meet the team! For more information contact Martha at morningmusic@christchurchlille.fr
Study and discipleship groups
Prayers for Ukraine
Please continue to pray for everyone in Ukraine, remembering in particular our sister church, Christ Church Kyiv. You can find prayers and more information here.
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