Christ Church Lille Newsletter
17 May 2024
Sunday 19 May: Pentecost
10:30: a service of Holy Communion
Join us as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday. In UK, this is also known as Whitsun.
The readings are from Acts 2:1-21 : we will be reading this alternate verses and if you have a Bible or an App in a different language, please come prepared to join in.
The Gospel reading is from John 15:26-27; 16.4b-15
Following the service on Sunday morning, you are welcome to join us for a soup and sandwich church lunch. Everyone is welcome, but if you can contribute a dessert or a salad that would be appreciated.
Don't forget that on 18 May the Working with Christ group meets in the church hall.
PS Do you know someone who doesn't get the newsletter? Don't leave them in the dark about all the things going on here, share this link so they can sign up:
In this newsletter, find out about:
This week's hymn 🎶
You will probably know this week's hymn, "Come down O Love Divine", which is often sung at Pentecost. The original words were written by a medieval Italian mystic poet and set to music by the English composer, Ralph Vaughan Williams whose father was the vicar at the local church.
And what's the second hymn this Sunday? Come along and find out!
Lots of people are picking up an envelope and responding to our envelope challenge. You can join in even if you are not in church, just use the QR code.
Up to 2 June, you can pick an envelope from the board, to the value you choose. Envelopes are available between €1 and €100.
Give cash, a cheque (Christ Church Lille), or use the QR code to pay online, and put the envelope in the collection plate with your name and contact details.
Between Ascension Day (9 May) and Pentecost (19 May) we are taking part in a global prayer movement. Why not find out more about it at this link
And join with us in a daily prayer.
Study and discipleship groups
They meet online on Thursdays and for the next few weeks they are going to try meeting in the evening instead of in the morning: contact churchoffice@christchurchlille.fr if you'd like to join them.
Bible Study groups Online and in-person groups take place on Wednesday evenings. For information, please contact the chaplain or church office:
The next (and last) online study group takes place on 22 May.
This prayer and discussion group meets regularly on a Saturday morning in the church hall. Next session is Saturday 18 May. Contact david.bolton@christchurchlille.fr
Dates for the diary
- 2 June: next 9:15 Holy communion service (BCP) followed by 10:30 Morning Prayer
Prayers for Ukraine
Please continue to pray for everyone in Ukraine, remembering in particular our sister church, Christ Church Kyiv. You can find prayers and more information here.
We can't do it without you!
And please support our fund-raising efforts, if you can. Thank you.
Find us in lots of places: