Christ Church Lille Newsletter
5 July 2024
And as the children break up from school, we hope everyone will find time to relax a little.
Sunday 7 July: the 6th Sunday after Trinity
9:15: a said service of Holy Communion (BCP)
10:30: a service of Morning Prayer
It's the first Sunday in the month, so do please join us for either of the services, or for both. We will be serving coffee in between so come early or stay a bit late.
The readings this week are from 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 and Mark 6:1-13
Don't forget that the Working with Christ group meets this Saturday 6 July at 10:00 in the church hall.
In this newsletter, find out about:
- Children's activity sheet
- Safeguarding Officer
- Canterbury Cathedral
- Study and discipleship groups
- Prayers for Ukraine
- Thank you
PS Do you know someone who doesn't get the newsletter? Don't leave them in the dark about all the things going on here, share this link so they can sign up:
Canterbury Cathedral
The Ecumenical Group in Lille is planning a trip to Canterbury Cathedral on Saturday 19 October. It will be by coach, leaving Lille around 07:00 and leaving after Choral Evensong to arrive back in Lille around 1 am. Cost €94 which includes travel by coach, channel crossing, entrance fee to Canterbury Cathedral. A valid passport and visa (where necessary) is required. To reserve a place, please contact chaplain@christchurchlille.fr
Study and discipleship groups
Regular meetings have stopped for the summer, but there are some lunches planned. Meetings will start again in the autumn. For more information contact churchoffice@christchurchlille.fr
Bible Study groups The in-person group has now stopped for the summer, so look out for information about restarting in the autumn.
There will be another meeting on 31 August
Prayers for Ukraine
Please continue to pray for everyone in Ukraine, remembering in particular our sister church, Christ Church Kyiv. You can find prayers and more information here.
We can't do it without you!
And please support our fund-raising efforts, if you can. Thank you.
Find us in lots of places: