Christ Church Lille Newsletter

16 August 2024

Sunday 18 August: the 12th Sunday after Trinity

10:30: a service of Holy Communion
The Gospel reading this week is from John 6:51-58
Please extend a warm welcome to the Reverend Grant Holmes, who will be leading the service this Sunday.
Followed by a picnic lunch in the church hall, why not join us? See more here.
See below for more details about Sunday services over the summer.
In this newsletter, find out about:
  • Summer Services schedule
  • Picnic lunch in the church hall on 18 August
  • Children's activity sheet
  • Study and discipleship groups
  • Prayers for Ukraine
  • Thank you
Summer picnic
Summer services schedule
Click the image to see more details about visiting clergy over the summer.

Picnic lunch

The service on 18 August will be followed by a picnic lunch in the hall. Please join us, and if you can bring some food to eat and to share with others too, that would be wonderful. Everyone is welcome to join us!
Are you looking for some Bible-based activities to do with your children this summer? Debbie suggests downloading the free app (available on Apple and Google and Amazon)
At the same link, you will find free resources for download too, such as colouring pages and parent guides.
Here's the link to this week's children's activity sheet: Heavenly Bread
John 6:50-51

PS Do you know someone who doesn't get the newsletter? Don't leave them in the dark about all the things going on here, share this link so they can sign up:
For more information on events and activities, please contact

Study and discipleship groups

Ladies' Bible Study and other Bible study groups have stopped for the summer. Look out for news in September.

Working with Christ
Next meeting is on 31 August. Contact

Prayers for Ukraine

Please continue to pray for everyone in Ukraine, remembering in particular our sister church, Christ Church Kyiv.
You can find prayers and more information here.
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