Sunday 6 October: the 19th Sunday after Trinity
This Sunday we celebrate Harvest; please bring your gifts if you are able (see below)
09:15 A quiet service of Holy Communion
Come early, stay late, enjoy a coffee between the two services
As usual on the first Sunday of the month, the service includes prayers for healing and renewal.
We will also welcome Roxanne to our church family during the 10:30 service.
After the service, you are welcome to join us for a simple church lunch
This month's video hymn
Many of you enjoy our monthly link to a favourite hymn. This Sunday is Harvest, so I wonder if you can guess which hymn we are featuring this week? There are so many well-loved songs and hymns, it's hard to choose. But if you can't be with us in church on Sunday, enjoy singing along to this version, by a wonderful choir in Ghana.
In this newsletter, find out about:
- Harvest
- Everyday Faith
- Dates for the Diary
- Children's activity sheet
- Study and discipleship groups
- Prayers for Ukraine
- Thank you
As part of our celebration of Creationtide, we celebrate Harvest on 6 October by sharing our gifts. Please remember to bring some non-perishable food items of all kinds along to the service that Sunday if you are able to do so. As in previous years, we'll be taking your gifts to the Protestant church for their food bank.
And after that, enjoy our church Harvest lunch together!
Everyday Faith
Everyday Faith is a free devotional app from the Church of England that offers reflections to inspire, equip and encourage your everyday faith. You can download the app and details are on this page:
Dates for the diary
Put these dates in your diary now, and don't miss anything!
PS Do you know someone who doesn't get the newsletter? Don't leave them in the dark about all the things going on here, share this link so they can sign up:
Children's activity sheet
This image illustrating Jesus welcoming the children is taken from one of the windows in Christ Church Lille. Can you find it in the church?
Study and discipleship groups
Ladies' Bible Study will be starting again soon, look out for details.
Prayers for Ukraine
Please continue to pray for everyone in Ukraine, remembering in particular our sister church, Christ Church Kyiv. You can find prayers and more information here.
We can't do it without you!
Find us in lots of places: