Sunday 13 October: the 20th Sunday after Trinity

10:30: Holy Communion
This Sunday's readings are from Amos 5:1-9, 16-end and Mark 10:17-31
See this page for more information about our regular service schedule
People often think of spring as a time for new starts, but autumn is also a time when we renew and refresh our ministry, our church life. The new academic year is a time for new projects, for new ideas.
So what’s new at Christ Church?
Ladies’ Bible Study started again on 10 October, and they have decided to meet in person instead of online. Timing is also new, so that a lunchtime discussion is possible for some.
They have embarked on a 12-week course on Angels. Meetings are in the church hall for now, but please check with because the venue may change, especially as winter sets in.
Sounds interesting? Get in touch to find out more.
Ladies’ Bible Study on Thursdays from 11:30-12:30 during termtime.
The music group is starting up again with new members, renewed enthusiasm and new leaders.
We’re delighted to have music as part of our worship. If you’re interested in joining them, get in touch with
Did you know? We are currently renewing our licences for music in church. Most people don’t realise that using copyright material hymns and songs needs a licence. Musicians, arrangers, composers need to earn their living too.
In this newsletter, find out about:
  • Dates for the Diary
  • Children's activity sheet
  • Study and discipleship groups
  • Everyday Faith
  • Prayers for Ukraine
  • Thank you
Don't forget that details of what's happening can be found on our website.
For more information on events and activities, please contact

Dates for the diary

Put these dates in your diary now, and don't miss anything!
PS Do you know someone who doesn't get the newsletter? Don't leave them in the dark about all the things going on here, share this link so they can sign up:
Concert poster

Also for your diary

There will be a concert at the Protestant church on Saturday evening 19 October.
Click or tap the poster for more details.

Children's activity sheet

This week's worksheet is called "Are you good enough?" (Mark 10:18)

Study and discipleship groups

Ladies' Bible Study has started again, but in person not online. See above, and contact

Everyday Faith

Everyday Faith is a free devotional app from the Church of England that offers reflections to inspire, equip and encourage your everyday faith. You can download the app and details are on this page:

Prayers for Ukraine

Please continue to pray for everyone in Ukraine, remembering in particular our sister church, Christ Church Kyiv.
You can find prayers and more information here.
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