We are grateful to everyone who continues to give, and the mission of the church continues as we find new ways to reach out to everyone. You can give using one of the methods below.
We receive no grants from the Church or from the town. Money to finance our church comes from the collection plate, planned giving, and donations.
You can make a donation via Paypal or Credit Card: just click on this “Donate” (“Faire un don”) button. You can also decide to make a regular gift the same way.
If your credit card doesn’t work with Paypal, you can use the IBAN of our account to transfer money:
Christ Church Lille
FR76 1027 8027 1700 0415 2360 142
(Click here to download the full bank details)
If you would like to make a regular or even occasional donation to the church and you are a French tax payer, you can obtain tax relief on your giving.

Please contact the Treasurer treasurer@christchurchlille.fr . It’s easy, it helps us, and you get tax relief, so everyone benefits! Many thanks!
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can donate with Gift Aid. Please contact the treasurer for more information.
In church, we can take card payments or phone payments on the spot.