Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals

Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals

If you would like to know about Baptisms at Christ Church Lille, please read the brochures below (just click on the link to read or to download).

Both of these brochures refer to a really useful website: where you can find lots more information. In particular, you might find these Frequently Asked Questions a helpful start

And yes, Baptism and Christening is the same thing!

As mentioned in the brochures, you will then need to contact the Chaplain to talk about preparation, whether for a child or an adult.

Finally, there is also a special Thanksgiving Service that you might like to discuss, either instead of or as well as a Baptism.

Infant baptism

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Adult baptism

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Please contact the Chaplain if you want to discuss a wedding or a funeral.


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