See also 10 ways to reduce your carbon footprint
So what is an Eco-Church?
The Eco-church scheme looks at the whole of church life – from worship and teaching to community involvement, from personal lifestyle to buildings and land – and encourages churches to ensure that all aspects of church life are impacted by the need to care for creation.
You can read more about the Diocesan policy on their website
At Diocesan Synod in June 2022, new ideas and guidelines were put forward, and these will be published soon.
But what can we do here at Christ Church Lille?
We don’t own our building, so we can’t control some of the things which are recommended (changing the lighting system, installing solar panels, insulation, for example) but there are still things we can do and which we are already doing.
Many of our meetings re held by tele-conferencing now, which not only reduces the need for heating and lighting for meetings in church, but reduces our carbon footprint too. People don’t need to travel, documents are online so reducing the need for pricing …
We collect plastic water and drink bottle tops for recycling.
We don’t print handouts or weekly service sheets, we use the projector. This saves paper and ink.
What can you do?
There are lots of sites which give you good advice about cutting down your carbon footprint, but here is a very good place to start:
Take a look at these two pages which we have prepared about planting herbs and re-growing vegetables, and about how useful tin cans are.
And find out how to grow your own vitamins on this page