The meeting was held as planned, and you can find a presentation and some of the reports on this page.
Every year the Church Council reports back on the activities during the previous year, and presents the accounts for approval. The Treasurer also presents the proposed budget for the year.
Christ Church Lille is both an Association under French Law and a Chaplaincy under the official Diocese in Europe and Church of England regulations. Our AGM needs to meet both requirements.
In 2020, the AGM was planned for April, but was held over because of the Coronavirus lockdown. We could not hold a virtual AGM (as we did for our sister association, La Solidarité Anglicane de Lille), because this is not acceptable under current Church of England rules, so we have had to wait until we can meet again, even if in restricted numbers.
You will find all the forms (electoral roll form, candidate for church council, etc) on this page