This year, we will be holding a service of Remembrance on Sunday 13 November. We remember those who lost their lives on active service in all conflicts; from the beginning of the First World War right up to the present day. We also remember all those who have served and their families.
If you would like to donate to the Royal British Legion, who look after service men and women and their families, you can do so via the link below; we will forward all donations to them. The poppy is the symbol of Remembrance.
This year, we are once again able to sell poppies in church too, they will be available from Sunday 15 October onwards.
(You can use a credit card or PayPal to donate using this link)
You can also donate directly via the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal (in UK)
You may like to find out about the Last Post ceremony at the Menin gate in Ypres Here’s a recording.